Ordered inspection trip
The law stipulates that all holders of a driving license from the age of 75 must undergo a traffic medical check-up every two years. (Professional chauffeurs are subject to stricter regulations)
The inspection drive with preliminary and debriefing lasts approx. 120 minutes and costs CHF 200. You are welcome to complete it in your own vehicle.
- Contact me by phone 077 490 28 58 or by email fahrlehrin@anjasenften.ch
- Please let me know whether you would like to do a voluntary inspection trip or whether this is an ordered inspection trip.
- Next we make an appointment.
Tip: Please arrange the appointment for the scheduled inspection trip on a day and at a time when you are usually fit and awake. If you are taking medication, please remember that it should be taken at the appropriate time and in the correct dosage. It would be a shame if you weren't really fit during the check-up trip because of lack of sleep or forgotten medication.
Preliminary meeting
- We will meet at the agreed date at the DiniFahrschuel restaurant, Bahnhofstrasse 28, in 4106 Therwil.
- Here we will go through the process of the inspection trip and answer any questions you may have.
- You can also indicate whether you avoid certain situations, such as driving in the city, on the highway, etc.
- I will show you what I will specifically pay attention to and which points you must legally complete in the ordered inspection drive.
- You can complete the inspection drive in your own vehicle.
Variant 1
After the preliminary meeting, we say goodbye and meet at a later date for the inspection trip. This is so that you can calmly think about the inspection trip and its scope and familiarize yourself with it.
Variant 2
The inspection trip takes place immediately after the preliminary meeting.
Guideline No. 19a of the asa
(only in German)
Check trip
- The inspection trip starts at the DiniFahrschuel in Therwil.
- The inspection trip takes approximately 50 to 60 minutes.
- Contents of the inspection trip Guideline No. 19a point 4.1 (only in German)
- One or more breaks can be taken. This is not viewed negatively.
- The inspection trip ends at the DiniFahrschuel in Therwil.
Final meeting
- Immediately after your inspection trip, we will discuss this together.
- I will honestly show you what your strengths and weaknesses were during the inspection trip.
- You will receive a protocol from me for the inspection trip.
- If you wish, you will receive a letter from me (by post or email) that you can forward to your doctor. This includes my professional assessment of the test drive and whether the test drive is considered passed or not. Costs CHF 50.-
I will neither forward the results of the ordered inspection trip nor make them available to third parties. You are my contact person and will receive the protocol and, if requested, the doctor's letter.
Do you have any further questions? Then please contact me by phone on 077 490 28 58 or by email fahrlehrin@anjasenften.ch.
Du möchtest Fahrstunden bei mir nehmen oder hast noch offene Fragen?
Dann ruf mich an oder schreib mir. +41 77 490 28 58
Would you like to take driving lessons with me or do you still have any questions?
Then call me or write to me. +41 77 490 28 58